My Random Thoughts

Motorcycles, boating, e-bikes, cars, tech, vacations, work gripes, along with some things that make you go ‘Hmm,’ or simply want to scream, depending on the day.

Where any/all reviews and comments may be provided across the site, I have fairly deep and hands-on experience across a number of areas, and opinions provided are my own with no vested interest in selling you anything. Some links to specific items may provide a small amount back to the site, which helps to cover site operational costs but in no way impacts my stated opinion on any item.  All content is my own unless otherwise specifically accredited, All Rights Reserved.

The site’s focus is on providing unique and helpful DIY and related information in specific interest areas I have experience in, although sometimes - for the first time!  If I wouldn’t use something, I’ll say so.

Some popular content (or just scan the menus)

Introduction to E-Bikes
Tools for E-Bike Maintenance and Repairs
Boat Grills
Recipe: Southern Sweet Tea
Cordless Tools